Common Names:- Irish eyebright
Homotypic Synonyms:- Euphrasia officinalis subsp. salisburgensis,
Euphrasia officinalis var. salisburgensis.
Meaning:- Euphrasia (Gr) Healthy-mind, gladdening.
Salisburgensis (L) From Saltzburg, Austria.
General description:- Short, reddish-purple perennial, glandular-hairy.
1) Up to 20(-25) cm, with 0-7 pairs of slender, erect or patent branches. Cauline
internodes up to 3(-4) times as long as the leaves.
1) 3-13(-17) mm, usually strongly tinged with purple, glabrous or minutely scabrid,
with the teeth distant from the leaf-base and at least the two distal pairs distant
from each other.
2) Cauline, up to 5 mm wide (excluding teeth), cuneate-obovate, to narrowly oblong-
ovate, with 1-4 pairs of subacute to aristate teeth.
3) Lower floral, up to 6·5 mm wide (excluding teeth), broadly obovate to narrowly
ovate or trullate, with 1-5(-6) pairs of acute to aristate teeth.
1) Raceme, terminal, with leaf-like bracts.
2) Corolla, 5-7·5(-8·5) mm, usually purplish-pink;
a) lower lip, usually rather small. with emarginate lobes.
1) Capsule, 4-6·5 mm, 2-3½ times as long as wide, oblong to elliptical, truncate to
emarginate, glabrous or slightly ciliate.
Habitat:- Doline, gravelly flats with thorn-cushion communities, rocky limestone
slopes. 1600-2000 m.
Distribution:- Scattered throughout mainland Greece and Peloponnisos. -
Widespread in W C & S Europe, extending to NW Anatolia. Rare on Crete, known
only from the Lefka Ori massif.
Flowering time:- Late June to early Sept.
Photos by:- Courtesy of Wiki-Commons